Author: Iain
Local Government Financial Settlement 2024/25
The Scottish Government’s draft Local Government Financial Settlement for 2024/25 was published on 21 December 2023. Although the Comhairle’s funding increased, compared to last year’s initial Settlement, after taking account of the additional funding committed to the current year pay awards, there is a net decrease of around £1.5m. On Tuesday 16 January the Comhairle’s…
Northern lighthouse Board Notice to Mariners No. 3 of 2024 The General Lighthouse Authorities (GLA) will be undertaking a review of Aids to Navigation provision aroundthe coasts of Great Britain and Ireland during 2024. The Review will be published in 2025 and will inform theGLAs’ work plans for the following five year period. The GLA…
Recycling Centre Closed – Rueval, Benbecula
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar has temporarily closed the Household Waste Recycling Centre and Commercial Waste Sorting Area at Rueval, Benbecula as a result of today’s high winds. An update will be provided when the service reopens.
Dìleab 2024: Leverhulme
Tro bhith a’ lìbhrigeadh phrògram leantainneach, adhartach, thairis air beagan bhliadhnaichean ann an com-pàirteachas ri sgoiltean, tha pròiseact Dìleab a’ deànamh cinnteach gu bheil òigridh nan Eilean Siar an sàs ann an ionnsachadh mu chànan, cultar, ceòl agus dràma ann an dòigh èifeachdach a tha a’ coileanadh nan amasan agus builean a tha air an…
Bus Service Update – 18 January
Due to continued adverse weather conditions, bus services across the Western Isles are disrupted or cancelled. Route Updates: (updated at 11am) W1 Ness normal service. W2 Westside – service to resume at 13:05 Stornoway to Carloway and 13:45 Stornoway to Shawbost. W3 Normal service from 12:30. W4 Uig Normal service except 13:25 request to Stornoway…
Winter Roads Maintenance Update
Continued snowfall across the Western Isles is causing disruption to Comhairle services and is presenting a challenge for the Comhairle’s winter roads maintenance team. As challenging conditions continue the Comhairle’s priority is the safety of employees and the general public. Please be assured that the Comhairle’s roads team, supported by contractors, is doing all that…
Taisbeanadh gus cur ri Dìon Traidiseanan Seinn na Gàidhlig
Tha rannsachadh gus aire a chur air diofar sheòrsachan seinn traidiseanta na Gàidhlig air a bhith air a chur ann an taisbeanadh a bhios a’ dol air chuairt gu coimhearsnachdan Innse Gall ann an 2024 agus 2025. Tha an Dr Frances Wilkins, Àrd-òraidiche ann an Eitn-eòlas Ciùil aig Ionad Elphinstone, Oilthigh Obar Dheathain, air sia…
Home Care Service
Due to adverse weather and difficult driving conditions the Comhairle’s Home Care service will be providing a restricted service today (17 January). The Comhairle has been in contact with service users and will be concentrating on providing essential visits with assistance from the Coastguard. The Comhairle asks that family and neighbours provide support and assistance…
Nicolson Institute Inspection Report Published
Education Scotland has published its report of the October 2023 inspection of the Nicolson Institute. In developing the report Education Scotland inspectors engaged directly with the rector, pupils, parents/ carers, and staff. The report highlights several areas where the school is performing well, but also identifies key areas in need of development and focused improvement.…
Comhairle Heritage Service: Temporary Changes to Museum Opening Hours and Archive Services
Museum nan Eilean at both Stornoway and Lionacleit will operate on trialled reduced opening hours during the low season. This reduction in opening hours will allow for staff to focus on the rebuilding of systems following the cyber-attack on 7 November. From January, Museum nan Eilean at Stornoway will be open from 1-4pm on Thursdays,…