Defibrillator Installed at Taigh Shiphoirt
On Thursday 14 November a defibrillator was unveiled at Taigh Shiphoirt, Stornoway in memory of former resident Ina Macdonald. Mrs Ina MacDonald, Islivig, Uig passed away in March 2024. She had been a resident in Dun Berisay before transferring to Taigh Shiphoirt in June 2023. Ina’s family kindly donated the collection taken at her funeral service…
Island Authorities Seek Bids for Visitor Levy Scheme Feasibility Contract
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, Orkney Islands Council and Shetland Islands Council are jointly seeking to commission a consultant to investigate the feasibility of a visitor levy scheme for each of the island’s authorities. An invitation to tender to provide the contract is now live on the Public Contracts Scotland website. Following an appointment, it is anticipated that…
A busy week for the Splaoid buses!
It has been a busy week for the Department of Education, Skills and Children’s Services. As part of the Department’s ‘Gaelic Week’ the ‘Splaoid’ buses have been on the road all week. From Monday 11th November the bus for Lewis and Harris has travelled to Harris, Uig, the West Side, Lochs, Point, Back and Stornoway.…
Seachdain Thrang airson bhanaichean Splaoid!
B’ e seachdain air leth trang a bha ann, mar phàirt de Sheachdain na Gàidhlig aig Roinn an Fhoghlaim, agus busaichean Splaoid aig Tuath agus Splaoid aig Deas air an rathad. Bho Dhiluain 11mh Samhain gu Dihaoine thadhal Splaoid aig Tuath air na Hearadh, Ùig, An Taobh Siar, na Lochan, An Rubha, Am Bac agus…
Comhairle Leader Responds to Royal Mail Announcement
Cllr Paul Steele, Leader of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar has responded to the announcement that Stornoway Post Office could be at risk of closure as part of national cutbacks. The Stornoway Post Office branch was included on a list of 115 post offices at risk of closure in a statement issued this week. Cllr Paul…
Careers Week Marked with Events in Uist and Lewis
Developing the Young Workforce Outer Hebrides and Western Isles Employability joined partners and local employers to mark Scottish Careers Week with events in Uist and Lewis. Pupils from The Nicolson Institute and Sir E Scott School attended Lewis Sports Centre throughout the day to speak to 35 employers and organisations who had set up stalls.…
Events Across the Western Isles for Youth Work Week
This year’s Youth Work Week was celebrated with a series of events highlighting the positive work happening with young people across the Western Isles. Co-ordinated by Comhairle nan Eilean Siar’s Community Learning and Development team, young people took part in consultations, fun activities and information sessions with a wide range of youth work partners. Erica Clark,…
Gaelic Medium Education Tesimonial
Anns an teisteanas seo tha Stephen Caimbeul ag innse carson a thagh e fhèin agus a bhean, Emma, foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig airson an cuid chloinne. Nach math a bhith a’ cluinntinn mu cho soirbheachail ‘s a tha e air a bhith dhaibh mar theaghlach! In this testimonial Stephen Campbell explains why he and his wife,…
Spiorad na Mara Offshore Wind Farm
Spiorad na Mara Windfarm/Floating LiDAR and Wave Buoy RemovalNtM Number NtM 002_v08 Partrac Ltd was scheduled to inspect and service metocean equipment (shown below) within the Spiorad na Mara offshore wind farm site using the vessel Waddenstroom.The seabed equipment and wave buoys were removed at the Spiorad na Mara site, and now only one Floating…
Taisbeanadh de Traidiseanan Seinn na Gàidhlig a’ tighinn gu Beinn na Faoghla
An dèidh cuairt soirbheachail den Ghaidhealtachd agus na h-Eileanan tha an taisbeanadh fèilleil Seinn Spioradail a tighinn gu Museum nan Eilean, Lionacleit bho 16 den an t-Samhain 2024. Faodaidh luchd-tadhail ionnsachadh mu thraidisean seinn cràbhaidh anns gach sgìre agus faodar eòlas a chur air tro chlàraidhean, film, stuthan agus tasglann didseatach, clàr-dùthcha fuaim agus turas…