The Western Isles Licensing Board has welcomed the positive impact made by the Lewis and Harris Pubwatch scheme.
Under the scheme, unacceptable behaviour in one licensed premises can result in a ban from all Pubwatch premises, with the length of the ban dependent on the nature of the behaviour. Abusive and threatening behaviour, violence, and drugs misuse is particularly targeted, and anyone caught drinking under age will be banned until six months after their 18th birthday.
Cllr, Norman Macdonald, Chair of the Western Isles Licensing Board, said:
“From a Licensing Board perspective, we couldn’t be more impressed with the work being done by Pubwatch to meet our primary objectives of securing public safety; preventing public nuisance; protecting and improving public health; and protecting children and young persons from harm.
“The forum would like to emphasise the excellent buy-in from local publicans and the collaborative efforts to stamp out any unruly, miscreant, and violent behavior in all licensed premises. By working together, Pubwatch has helped ensure that folk intent on having a good time can have exactly that.”
Pictured (George Murray, Peter MacArthur, Stuart Beaufoy and Ryan Dowie)