Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Outer Hebrides Planning Partnership (OHCPP)

OHCPP Anti-Poverty Sub-Group Winter Campaign

Cost of Living Crisis

The Cost-of-Living crisis has affected us all and is having a disproportionally adverse effect on Island Communities, such as ours.   There is no-one that has not felt the impact of the price of their house bills and shopping costs increasing, and following the Governments recent decision to withdraw universal Winter Fuel Payments, there will be a more pronounced effect on those aged 65 and over, this Winter.

However, there is a range of interventions available locally and nationally, with many of them being underutilised.  Therefore, the Comhairle and its OHCPP Partners are keen to help promote increased uptake of these measures to ensure those who are entitled to help are in receipt of it, to help reduce the effects of the cost-of-living crisis.

How can I help others?

 We would strongly encourage members of the community reach out and provide support to friends, family and those who are vulnerable or without family within our communities to help provide, or source, support for people to access services.  Community organisations can promote any local leaflets they have in a prominent place, and also encourage access to the Comhairle’s webpage and its various links.

The OHCPP have created a Winter Campaign against Poverty leaflet which is available to download and print to be circulated widely to family, friends and Community organisations and Events.


Where can I access support?

Department for Work and Pensions – Pension Credits

Pension Credits gives you extra money to help with living costs if you’re over State Pension age and on a low income; you may still be eligible if you have savings.  It can also give you access to:

  • The Winter Fuel Payment
  • Warm Home Discount Scheme and Cold Weather Payment
  • Housing Benefit/ support for mortgage interest
  • Council tax discount
  • A free tv licence if aged 75 or over
  • Help with NHS dental treatment, glasses and transport costs for health appointments

Please be aware that whilst Pension Credit can be applied for at any time, in order to qualify for the Winter Fuel Payment this year, you must apply by 21 December 2024. Our local DWP office can provide assistance in determining eligibility of this provision.

Stornoway Jobcentre

The Stornoway Jobcentre Plus office offers a range of services to job seekers, including help with finding job vacancies, career advice, and guidance on training and education opportunities.

They also offer support with benefits applications, including Universal Credit, New Style Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA), and New Style Employment and Support Allowance (ESA).

For further advice and assistance on these support measures, please visit the weblinks or contact the jobcentre office:  0300 038 6083.

Tighean Innse Gall (TIG)

TIG is available to provide energy efficiency advice to help lower household energy costs.  There is also funding available from the Islands Cost of Living Crisis to provide direct fuel support to those in need this Winter.

The Hebridean Housing Partnership (HHP) is also available to provide support and advice to its tenants that are facing hardship, along with a variety of interventions which include a range of items to help stay warm during the Winter.  Following a recent funding award from the Islands Crisis Cost Emergency Fund (ICCEF), direct financial support may also be available to help towards fuel costs.

The Point & Sandwick Energy Support unit provides confidential advice, crisis support grants and other energy support measures to those in the Point and Sandwick area. The Service aims to:

  • Work with local people to identify and signpost them to relevant schemes to help keep homes in the local area warmer this Winter
  • Deliver the Point and Sandwick Fuel Hardship Fund
  • Assess the key drivers of fuel poverty in the area and make recommendations to local and national government

Western Isles Citizens Advice Service (WICAS)

Provides advice and support on a range of issues including financial management.  Direct financial support is also available to those in need through provision of fuel and food payments for local supermarket and shop providers, as funded through ICCEF.


There is a range of support available to families, from pregnancy through to school ages.  To find out more about pre-school support, contact the local Health Visiting Team or visit the Scottish Government website These could include the following:

  • Best Start Grants and Best Start Foods
  • Child Benefit
  • Child maintenance
  • Child disability payment
  • Young patients’ family fund
  • Guardians Allowance

For more information on support for school-aged children, including free school meals and school clothing grants, complete the relevant online form, or contact your local school.

Parental Employability Support Fund (PESF)

PESF is a Scottish Government funded programme.  It provides a more flexible and user-based model of delivery that supports parents into work as well as helping those already in work to increase their household income.

The programme provides Person-centred help for parents to address their barriers to work, which might include a lack of skills or work experience, health support, money advice, confidence building or motivational support. 

Service includes:

  • Targeted support to help parents already in work through the provision of training and employability support to remain active in the workplace and gain progression through a rewarding career.
  • Confidential income and money advice which includes:
    • Benefit checks and help with any claim processes
    • Better off calculations
    • Help with debts, these can be a barrier to work
    • Creation of a bespoke budget for the family
    • Budgeting skills support to ensure long lasting effect
    • Funding for Qualifications
    • Funding for Sector Specific Certification
    • Volunteering, Work Experience and Work Trails
    • Support with job applications, developing a CV and preparing for an interview
    • In work support, mentorship support for the first 12 months of employment.

If you would like to find out how the Parental Employability Support Fund can help you, please contact office:

Tel: 01463 211801


  • Eilean Siar Foodbank provide food and support to families and is located at 15 Keith Street, Stornoway.
  • In partnership with Eilean Siar Foodbank, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar also provide a ‘foodbank in a filing cabinet’. This is located on the ground floor of the building at 7 James Street, where provisions are available on a self-service basis from bags in the bottom drawer of the Cabinet.
  • There is also a Foodbank based at Stornoway Golf Club, currently in operation two days a week.
  • Stornoway North Community Fridge is located at the Taigh Ceilidh, next door to the Cearns Community Shop.

Tagsa Uibhist

Through their Biadh Blasta Uibhist service, Tagsa Uibhist provide home cooked meals made with locally grown produce, available to your door.

Scottish Welfare Fund

The Scottish Welfare Fund is accessible locally by filling in the Scottish Welfare Fund Online Form and is made up of two different grants:

  • Crisis Grant – to help with an unexpected emergency, (including cost of living crisis)
  • Community Care Grant – to help you or someone you care for start to live, or carry on living a settled life in the Community

The Scottish Government also provides a wide range of financial advice and services for those struggling with the cost-of-living-crisis across Scotland.

Local advice services:

All local service providers offer a range of advice and assistance on these services, including eligibility, access and general financial and energy advice.

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar also employs Financial Inclusion Officers, based within the Revenues and Benefits section, to help provide advice on a range of interventions that people may be eligible for.  Referrals can be made through a variety of services, such as the NHS, and Self-referrals are also considered.

Contact Financial Inclusion Services by emailing