Category: Press Release
School Update
Forecasts for Friday 19th January remain too unpredictable at this time to make early decisions about school closures. Officers will assess conditions in the morning and will decide on closures as early as possible, being mindful of early departure times for some pupils. Please monitor social media and communications in the morning for the latest…
Eishken Road – Partially Blocked
The Eishken Road is partially blocked, approximately 5 – 6 miles from the A859, as a gritter has to be recovered. The road is still passable with a 4×4 vehicle. It is hoped the gritter will be recovered by tomorrow morning. Any updates on this situation will be provided once they are available.
Bus Services – 18 January 2024
Due to continued adverse weather conditions, bus services across the Western Isles are disrupted or cancelled. Could all intending passengers please note the following update to bus services: W1 Ness – normal service. W2 Westside – service to resume at 13:05 Stornoway to Carloway and 13:45 Stornoway to Shawbost. W3 – Normal service from 12:30.…
Sports Centre Closures – 18 January 2024
As a result of today’s adverse weather conditions and school closures, the Sports Centres in Harris, Liniclate and Castlebay are all closed today. The Lewis Sports Centre is open this morning but will close at 1pm. This means that all classes, swimming lessons, sports activities and clubs will be cancelled this evening Lionel Pool is also…
Bin Collections
All bin collections are continuing as scheduled. For any missed collections today (18 January 2023) due to the conditions, if they are not able to get these done tomorrow for any reason, they will be carried out on Saturday.
ISL Closing at 1pm – 18 January
As a result of the adverse weather conditions and school closures the Sports Centre will be closing at 1pm today. We have enough leisure attendants on site this morning for the swimming pool and health suite to reopen so both of these facilities are now available until 1pm. There will be a lane swim…
School Closures – Thursday 18 January
Due to adverse weather conditions all schools in the Western Isles are closed to pupils and staff.
Bus Service Update – 18 January
Due to continued adverse weather conditions, bus services across the Western Isles are disrupted or cancelled. Route Updates: (updated at 11am) W1 Ness normal service. W2 Westside – service to resume at 13:05 Stornoway to Carloway and 13:45 Stornoway to Shawbost. W3 Normal service from 12:30. W4 Uig Normal service except 13:25 request to Stornoway…
Winter Roads Maintenance Update
Continued snowfall across the Western Isles is causing disruption to Comhairle services and is presenting a challenge for the Comhairle’s winter roads maintenance team. As challenging conditions continue the Comhairle’s priority is the safety of employees and the general public. Please be assured that the Comhairle’s roads team, supported by contractors, is doing all that…
Taisbeanadh gus cur ri Dìon Traidiseanan Seinn na Gàidhlig
Tha rannsachadh gus aire a chur air diofar sheòrsachan seinn traidiseanta na Gàidhlig air a bhith air a chur ann an taisbeanadh a bhios a’ dol air chuairt gu coimhearsnachdan Innse Gall ann an 2024 agus 2025. Tha an Dr Frances Wilkins, Àrd-òraidiche ann an Eitn-eòlas Ciùil aig Ionad Elphinstone, Oilthigh Obar Dheathain, air sia…