Author: Iain
Iolaire Remembrance Service – 1 January 2024
A Remembrance Service for HMY Iolaire is planned for Monday 1 January 2024 at the Iolaire Memorial, Holm at 1.30pm. Rev James MacIver, Stornoway Free Church will conduct the service. The service will include laying of wreaths. Those attending should be aware that the Memorial is in a very exposed location and it is advised…
Cothrom Leasachaidh do Dhaoine òga a nì Filmichean
Tha an Youth LAG, buidheann-gnìomh òg OH CLLD, a’ tabhann cothruim air leth do chuideigin fo aois 30 a tha, no a tha ag amas air a bhith, a’ dèanamh fhilmichean gu proifeiseanta. Tha iad air buidseat de £4,000 a chomharrachadh a leigeas leis an neach cheart na sgilean proifeiseanta aca a leasachadh agus cuideachd…
Comhairle Works to Restore Priority Systems
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar has identified a list of systems to be restored as a priority as the rebuild following the cyber-attack on 7 November continues. The attack has left the information stored on the Comhairle’s servers inaccessible. We are pleased to report once again that there is no indication that any of the stored…
Licensing Board Welcomes Pubwatch Success
The Western Isles Licensing Board has welcomed the positive impact made by the Lewis and Harris Pubwatch scheme. Under the scheme, unacceptable behaviour in one licensed premises can result in a ban from all Pubwatch premises, with the length of the ban dependent on the nature of the behaviour. Abusive and threatening behaviour, violence, and…
Temporary Free Parking to Support Local Businesses
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar has agreed free parking in Stornoway’s Perceval Square Car Park, limited to a maximum period of 2 hours, from 15 December 2023 to 5 January 2024 to help support businesses and the general public during the Festive period. A Comhairle spokesperson said: “The Comhairle is committed to supporting local businesses all…
Kallin Harbour Approaches – Extinguished Nav Buoys
NTM: 07/2023 – Kallin Harbour Approaches – Extinguished Nav Buoys Location: Kallin Harbour, Grimsay, Isle Of North Uist, Western Isles, Scotland Notice: Mariners are advised that the following Nav Buoys on the approaches to Kallin Harbour, North Uist are Extinguished: PORT Hand Buoy @Bo Carrach PORT Hand Buoy No.2 STBD Hand Buoy No.3 Please navigate…
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Commences Rebuilding Process Following Cyber-Attack
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar is making steady progress in our work to restore the full delivery of services following the cyber-attack on 7 November. The investigative team has again reported that there is no indication that the information stored on the Comhairle’s servers has been extracted or published. While this investigation continues the Comhairle is working to…
Further Recognition for Goathill Project
Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards Annual Ceremony
The Western Isles Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Ceremony for Lewis participants took place on Friday 1st December in the Assembly Hall, Nicolson Institute, Stornoway. This year’s Ceremony was opened by Cllr Paul Finnegan, Chair of Education Sports & children’s Services Committee, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar. Over 100 young people were presented with Duke of Edinburgh’s…
National recognition for Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, Winter Safety Campaign
CEO, Lorraine Gillies: Comhairle Leader Paul Steele commented: “With a little preparation we can all stay safe throughout the Winter months and this excellent resource provides invaluable information on all aspects of personal safety, including emergency contact details. I should also like to highlight that Winter can be a particularly challenging time for our more…