Author: Iain
Comhairle Agrees a Balance Budget
A’ Chomhairle a’ Stèidheachadh Buidseat Cothromach a dh’aindeòin Gèarradh Bunaiteach ann am Maoineachadh bho Riaghaltas na h-Alba agus a Bhith Cleachdadh Airgead Cùl-Stòir. Tha lughdachadh de £1.48m ann an Aonta Maoineachaidh Riaghaltas na h-Alba 2024 do Chomhairle nan Eilean Siar nuair a thèid pàigheadh luchd-obrach agus luchd teagaisg a chur an dara taobh ‘s cothromachadh…
Cuirmean Dìleab 2024: Leverhulme air an Ainmeachadh
Air an ath-mhìos gabhaidh cuirmean àite ann an Leòdhas agus anns na Hearadh mar phàirt de Dhìleab 2024: Leverhulme. Gabhaidh a’ chiad chuirm àite anns an Lanntair air Diardaoin 14mh Màrt aig 1900 agus bidh fiosrachadh a thaobh tiogaidean ri fhaighinn a dh’ aithghearr. Bidh sgoilearan bho chlasaichean Gàidhlig 6 & 7 aig Bunsgoil Steòrnabhaigh a’ dol…
Martyn’s Law Consultation
UK Government has launched a consultation on the Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill, also known as Martyn’s law. The consultation is open to the public until 18 March. Martyn’s Law will require premises to fulfil necessary but proportionate steps, according to their capacity, to help keep the public safe. It is named in tribute to…
Diving Operations – Deep Water Terminal
Stornoway Port Authority – Notice to Mariners 2-2024 Diving operations will be carried out daily from Thursday 15th February 2024 at Stornoway harbour Deep Water Terminal. Operations will be conducted from 0730 hrs to 1900 hrs, fitting sacrificial anodes along the berthing faces of Deep Water Terminal. Vessels using the harbour should navigate within the…
New Questionnaire to Help Improve Communities in the Outer Hebrides
The Outer Hebrides Community Planning Partnership (OHCPP) is offering people across the Outer Hebrides the chance to influence their health and wellbeing, as well as the opportunities and services available to them, by contributing to a new online questionnaire. The OHCPP is pleased to launch the online version of the Place Standard Tool, which is…
Western Isles Nominations for FilmG Awards
Schools, community groups, and individuals from across the Western Isles have been nominated for awards at FilmG 2024.Award winners will be announced at the FilmG Awards ceremony on 23rd February in the Lomond Auditorium of Glasgow’s SEC Centre. The awards will be live streamed to YouTube, with a highlights programme broadcast on BBC ALBA two…
Local Employability Partnership Event 2024
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar joined Western Isles Employability, Developing the Young Workforce, partners, and local employers from around the Western Isles for a partnership event in the Stornoway Town Hall on Thursday 1 February. The purpose of the event was to bring together local employability partners and employers from around the Western Isles, to share…
Plana Cànain Gàidhlig Comhairle nan Eilean Siar 2023-2028
Chaidh aontachadh ri Plana Cànain Gàidhlig na Comhairle airson 2023-2028 le Bòrd na Gàidhlig. Air a dheasachadh fo Earrann 3 de dh’Achd na Gàidhlig (Alba) 2005, tha am Plana seo, an ceathramh tionndadh de Phlana Cànain na Comhairle, a’ mìneachadh: ciamar a bhios a’ Chomhairle a’ cleachdadh Gàidhlig anns a h-obair gu làitheil; ciamar a…
Scottish Youth Parliament Elections go live in the Western Isles
Following a pause in voting, the Scottish Youth Parliament Election restarts across the Western Isles on Monday 5th February until Sunday 18th February. Young people aged 12-25 are eligible to vote for their preferred candidate(s) to represent the Western Isles at the Scottish Youth Parliament (SYP). There are three candidates standing, Joseph Bignell, Ellie Denehy…
Yellow Weather Warning – Update on Services
The met office has issued a yellow weather warning for wind covering the Western Isles from 05:00 to 19:00 tomorrow (Wednesday 31 January). As a result of these conditions the following services have been disrupted. Sports Facilities: Libraries: