Stornoway Half Marathon Road Closure
Temporary Road Closure Order 2024
(Cromwell Street, North Beach Street, Castle Street, South Beach Street and Shell Street)
Statement of Reasons
It is proposed to close the above roads in Stornoway Town Centre between 10:00 and 10:20 on Saturday 25th May, 2024. The reason for this temporary road closure is to cater for the start of the Stornoway Half Marathon.
The closure is in the interest of road safety. At the start of the race the runners tend to be grouped together. At the previous event in 2023 there were 184 competitors. It is not feasible at this point to have runners confined to the footpath as falls and trips would be likely and runners would overspill on to the road. The short road closure will allow runners to use the road safely, with a vehicle free lane, as the race progresses through the town. Traffic will be stopped at each junction entering the road closure.
As the runners reach the roundabout at the Shell St / Ferry Rd junction they will be directed on to the footpath on Newton Street. At this stage, the race will have opened out and there will not be a need to close roads for groups of runners.
As the race passes, each section of road closure will be re-opened to allow free movement of traffic.
Calum Mackenzie
Chief Officer, Assets & Infrastructure