Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

ECS Strategic Plan


The Education and Children’s Services Department is preparing a new strategic plan for their services for the next five years.

Why We Are Consulting

The department is looking for the views of our community on the strategic vision and priorities for the different sections of the department that deliver important services across our islands.  These services include:

  • Education (Early Years and Schools)
  • Children’s Services (Social Work, Fostering & Adoption)
  • Western Isles Libraries
  • Sport and Health Services
  • Adult Learning

The Strategic Plan Survey is now live and we invite you to share your views.

What Happens Next

The survey is open to responses until 30th September 2024.  Once the results of the survey have been analysed, we will update you on the priorities identified and prepare a draft strategy for consideration by the Education, Sport and Children’s Services Committee.


  • Strategic Plan Survey



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